Doughnut towers. Disney-inspired eye makeup. Chocolate stations. Let’s face it, quinceañeras have come a long way since their roots in ancient Aztec traditions. But at the heart of the festivities remains a rite of passage: On her 15th birthday, a young girl begins her transition into the first stages of womanhood.
Because quinceañeras play such a major role in family bonds and traditions, it’s no surprise that the parties are such major events, sometimes even surpassing the luxuries of a wedding. Like a wedding, a key element for fun-filled festivities is incorporating trendy features, including new trends you didn’t see at your Abuela’s quiceañera. Modern day must-haves include photo booths, backdrops, dessert tables, and donut walls, just to name a few. Although these additional features aren’t a necessity, you can spot at least one at most every quinceañera party. Additionally, girls are requesting elaborate entertainment, like performers and DJ’s to entertain their guests.
Needless to say, this wow factor doesn’t come cheap, which is why quinceañera celebrations have become a billion-dollar industry.
According to Celia Barrios, owner of Tiaras and Tacones, a party planning company in Los Angeles, “Prices will range (from) $15,000 to $80,000; those are the types of events that I’ve assisted in. If you look at the quinceañera market, for example, in the East Coast, specifically in the Miami area, families can spend in the hundred thousands. They seem a lot more elaborate when you look at their setups and what they do. But … events in Texas and California are catching up quickly.”
Some traditions are being challenged, as modern quince girls flirt are wearing designs with shorter hemlines and midriff-baring gowns. Makeup isn’t just modern, it’s very of-the-moment, trending designs that are worn by popular celebrities.
Although quinceañeras have been celebrated for centuries, modern-day quinceañeras are challenging tradition more and more as the years go on.